Bees suffer first defeat at Madonna

Bees suffer first defeat at Madonna

SAU suffered their first defeat of the season Saturday against Madonna, 13-10.

After a Madonna goal to start the game, Allie Ruggiero found Lauren Koutouzis to tie the game up at one. The Crusaders went on a three goal run until Ruggiero scored on a free position shot. Madonna scored again, but the Bees went on a three run goal of their own. Katie Baranski scored on a free position shot, followed by a Mackenzie Zions goal from Erin Green. Mckenna Palmer then found Avery Cummins to tie the game up at five. The teams traded goals with Ambrose's goal coming from Audrey Warner. The Crusaders added two goals to take an 8-6 halftime lead.

Coming out of the halftime break, the teams traded goals with Maddie Wiltrout scoring unassisted for the Bees. The Crusaders went on another three goal run to take a 12-7 lead. Ruggiero found Zions for a goal, and Warner scored her second goal of the day from Wiltrout to cut into the Madonna lead. MU added one more goal, and Baranski scored a free position goal to account for the final score.

Allison Claus made two saves, and Katie Burr made five in goal.